Formatting Guidelines
This document provides details of the preferred style to be used to format your paper (full papers) for submission to the International Journal on e-Learning and Higher Education. The paper will be published exactly as you submit it, so please follow the guidelines carefully. Papers should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 16 printed pages (10-point font) including references, figures, etc.
Author Details
Author information must be included in the submission of your paper. Please carefully review and follow the format requirements contained in these guidelines when preparing your paper.
Full paper instruction
The template supports MS Word 2016. Predefined style formats are available for all the necessary structures to be included in the manuscript, and these formats can be quickly accessed using keystroke combinations or the special toolbars provided. For a detailed description of how to prepare your text, references, and illustrations.
Click here for the template and guidelines.
Submit your manuscript to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.